4 Steps To Growing a Beautiful Lawn

One of the best parts about having a home is making it your own. Whether it’s filling the inside with beautiful furniture or turning your backyard into the ultimate cozy hangout, there are so many possibilities for personalization – and your lawn is one of them. 

Getting the full, green lawn of your dreams may seem like a lot of effort – but with these tips on the best way to plant grass, you’ll be able to grow healthy grass without too much trouble – and become the envy of all your neighbors with the final result. 

1.  Clean Up Any Trash/Debris 

If you happen to have unwanted items in your yard, now’s the time to get rid of them. This includes weeds, trash or debris that could be polluting your lawn. This could be anything from small trash items like candy wrappers and bottles to pebbles or wood pieces.

When starting out with a new lawn, even things like big leaves or stones can get in the way of creating a smooth and even surface. If you’re not a big fan of getting your hands dirty, tools like one of these leaf scoops or simple rakes are great for getting those small items without getting dirt all over your hands. You don’t have to get every little pebble off your lawn, but be sure to remove most of the big debris.

2. Even Out the Surface

One of the most important things necessary for a beautiful lawn is to keep the surface as flat as possible. Once your grass is all grown and ready to go, it’ll be too late to easily fix any hills, bumps or dips. Trust us, the last thing you want is to have people tripping and falling all over your freshly grown grass!

One of the most effective techniques to flatten your yard is to use a simple rake. Be sure to pat down any bumps and cover any dips to create a smooth, flat surface.

3. Spread the Seeds Evenly

It’s finally planting time! Now that you have done all the necessary work to prep your lawn, you want to make sure that the seeds you plant are evenly spread out across your lawn. One of the most common mistakes made when starting a lawn is randomly scattering the seeds in hopes that it will grow evenly. As promising as that sounds, it doesn’t always work that way.

The best way to make sure that your grass seed is evenly spread is to utilize a seed spreader. Although it’s not required, a seed spreader will make it a lot easier to measure out the seeds that go into each area of your lawn. If you don’t own a seed spreader, it may require a little more work to make sure that the seeds are spread as evenly as possible.

4. Cover Your Seeds, Then Water 

With all the hard work that you put into prepping and planting your lawn, the last thing you want are unwanted guests nibbling away at your seeds. Many times, small animals such as birds, squirrels and bunnies may try to steal some of your seeds. To prevent these small animals – or even the wind – from taking your seeds, take the time to cover the seeds with dirt and pat it down.

After you sufficiently cover your seeds, keep the seeds thoroughly watered. In the early stages, before the seedlings begin to pop out of the seeds, the seeds need a lot of water to grow. When you’re first starting out, water your seeds about three to four times a day until your grass has grown 1/2 inch. With that, you’re sure to have some healthy, vibrant grass to brag about!

A healthy and beautiful lawn can make any home more inviting and is perfect for enjoying the outdoors, whether with a picnic or a football game. Following these steps to growing grass will give you a lawn that everyone can enjoy. At the end of the day, a happy lawn makes a happier you!


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